
176: The One with the After Show

Pat and Brian continue fondly recall Alan Rickman. Then they critique the new Masters of the Universe fan film Fall of Greyskull. Finally, the guys discuss the Suicide Squad trailer. Be sure to stick around for the after show!

162: The One with the C-Bomb

Pat and Brian discuss Batman co-creator Bill Finger! In toy news, Play With This Too has a new Kickstarter, DC is producing a Super Powers Micro line, Snake Mountain's interior is revealed, Super7 will have new Alien ReAction figures at NYCC, and Santa Claus is coming to town!

159: Evacuate in Our Moment of Triumph?

Pat and Brian discuss Loot Crate, Fantastic 4Star WarsSecret Wars action figure covers, and action figures from Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesMasters of the UniverseWeaponeers of Monka, and Batman.