Comic Books

163: The One with David Bowie

A beloved local comic shop is closing, but it's still a net gain for the industry! Pat and Brian discuss their first look at Supergirl's Red Tornado, a new 3rd party Ninja Turtles figure, NYCC exclusive Masters of the Universe figures, and new Masterpiece Transformers.

159: Evacuate in Our Moment of Triumph?

Pat and Brian discuss Loot Crate, Fantastic 4Star WarsSecret Wars action figure covers, and action figures from Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesMasters of the UniverseWeaponeers of Monka, and Batman.

155: We'll Always Be Friends

Pat and Brian are joined by comic book expert Adam Ebert! Every question your hosts have had over the course of this show are finally answered! The guys will discuss the pasts and futures of Marvel, DC, Image, IDW, and Boom! If you love comics, this is the episode you've been waiting for!