
161: The One with the X-Men Toilet

Join Pat and Brian for the least structured episode ever! After some awesome Kickstarters, the guys look at a fantastic 80s DC style guide! Then we've got our first look at Hawkfolks on Legends of Tomorrow! Finally, the boys look at Ghostbusters and ReAction figures!

156: Look upon the Future and Tremble

Pat and Brian are joined by Marc Alan Fishman from Unshaven Comics to discuss his new Kickstarter campaign! The guys stick around to talk about X-Men: Apocalypse costumes, Deadpool, and the Pez movie, at least until disaster strikes.

155: We'll Always Be Friends

Pat and Brian are joined by comic book expert Adam Ebert! Every question your hosts have had over the course of this show are finally answered! The guys will discuss the pasts and futures of Marvel, DC, Image, IDW, and Boom! If you love comics, this is the episode you've been waiting for!